Thursday, July 26, 2007

bob goes to youtube

i am writing this from moonlit florida.
i just received an email from elisabeth carter, informing me of a short film she made using one of my old comics.
it's really quite nifty!
have a peek:


Anonymous said...

It was really irresponsible of Bob to not have a goldfish-sitter. Not to speak ill of the dead, but I have lost all respect for him.

Anonymous said...

Bob Goes to You Tube - GREAT!!!
Really made my day!
Love you...

jeremy said...


o and todd i got my booksies in the mail! they are wonderful!!!!

~nebraska jeremy

p.s. im gonna order more stuff sooooon.

Arlene said...

I loved it!

Anonymous said...

HEY! That's so awesome that you put it up on your site! I'm glad that you liked it!!! Your talents are amazing!