Tuesday, September 11, 2007


six new journals up.
in each city we stop in, i have been taking a polaroid of something quirky or that just catches my eye.
last night in cambridge i encountered this jackalope and burnt guitar on the walls of a record shop.


Anonymous said...

sooo... the myspace says you're doing a show in Vancouver? is this right? Do I actually get to see you play?

-Clair, random fan

todd! said...

hey clair!
yes hopefully there will be a show in vancouver. we'll be in seattle and oregon too, which are somewhat nearby. hope to meetcha!

Anonymous said...

awesome! sadly I have an intense school schedule and limited funds so seattle or oregon probably wouldn't happen...so here's hoping for Vancouver!

Happy touring, Clair

todd! said...

the vancouver show is on! and it's at a sushi place, which is pretty much a dream come true haha

Anonymous said...

hooray! that is pretty darn awesome. hope to see you in a couple of weeks then!